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Perpetual’s 800 GRAM vegetable challenge|Perpetual Fitness, Inc. | Broadview Heights, OH

800 GRAM vegetable challenge:
Perpetuals spin on the 800g vegetable challenge where we focus on:
 – Gratitude
 – eating Real foods to help reset and renew our bodies
 – becoming Aware of how our daily habits effect how we feel, our performance, and our weight
 – being Mindful of the when, what, and how of our meals


Bring light to people through developing healthy relationships with food and their bodies, providing tools and resources for maximizing emotional wellbeing and mindset, and identifying the nutrients for optimizing energy, vitality, and balance.

Week 1: Life Balance and Clean Eating

Daily Tasks:

  1. Did you sleep 7+ hours?
  2. Did you get 30 mins of exercise?
  3. Did you drink 1⁄2 your bodyweight in ounces of water?
  4. Did you eat 300g or 2 cups of vegetables?
  5. Did you check-in with your accountabilibuddy?
  6. Did you write on the gratitude board?
  7. Did you complete a random act of kindness?

Day 1:

  • Email blast with all week 1 content
  • Disclaimer
  • Explain wheel of life

Day 2:

  • Why the 800g challenge and highlight the importance of eating greens and vegetables
  • Foods to love

Day 3:

  • 1 Recipe
  • Why you shouldn’t eat processed food and excess sugar and what it does to your body

Day 4:

  • Food Pyramid from Dans book
  • Random Act of Kindness

Day 5:

  • Drinking Water
  • Sleep

Day 6:

  • 1 Recipe
  • Proper Food Combining

Day 7:

  • Check-In

Week 2: Gratitude and Alkalinity Intro

Daily Tasks:

  1. Did you sleep 7+ hours?
  2. Did you get 30 mins of exercise?
  3. Did you drink 1⁄2 your bodyweight in ounces of water?
  4. Did you eat 425g or 3 cups of vegetables?
  5. Did you check-in with your accountabilibuddy?
  6. Did you write on the gratitude board?
  7. Did you complete a random act of kindness?
  8. Did you spend 5 minutes to reflect on the day and write in your gratitude journal?

Day 8:

  • Email blast with all week 2 content
  • Explain Gratitude Letter

Day 9:

  • Intro to Alkalinity
  • Power of 10 Activity

Day 10:

  • 1 Recipe
  • Gratitude

Day 11:

  • 80/20 Alkaline Handout
  • Vegetables and Alkalinity

Day 12:

  • Exercise

Day 13:

  • 1 Recipe
  • Gut Health

Day 14:

  • Check-In

Week 3: Social Connection and Juicing

Daily Tasks:

  1. Did you sleep 7+ hours?
  2. Did you get 30 mins of exercise?
  3. Did you drink 1⁄2 your bodyweight in ounces of water?
  4. Did you eat 550g or 4 cups of vegetables?
  5. Did you check-in with your accountabilibuddy?
  6. Did you write on the gratitude board?
  7. Did you complete a random act of kindness?
  8. Did you spend 5 minutes to reflect on the day and write in your gratitude journal?
  9. Did you engage in conversation with someone you don’t know?

Day 15:

  • Email blast with all week 3 content
  • Social Connection

Day 16:

  • Intro to juicing
  • 1 Recipe (food and juice)

Day 17:

  • Introduce mindful eating habit

Day 18:

  • Ways to Feel good and love yourself

Day 19:

  • 1 Recipe
  • you are what you eat/diseases

Day 20:

  • Juicing Party

Day 21:

  • Check-In

Week 4: Mindfulness and Supplements/Herbs

Daily Tasks:

  1. Did you sleep 7+ hours?
  2. Did you get 30 mins of exercise?
  3. Did you drink 1⁄2 your bodyweight in ounces of water?
  4. Did you eat 675g or 5 cups of vegetables?
  5. Did you check-in with your accountabilibuddy?
  6. Did you write on the gratitude board?
  7. Did you complete a random act of kindness?
  8. Did you spend 5 minutes to reflect on the day and write in your gratitude journal?
  9. Did you engage in conversation with someone you don’t know?

Day 22:

  • Email blast with week 4 content
  • Mindful Eating Habit

Day 23:

  • Why Herbs are important
  • 1 Recipe

Day 24:

  • Mindful Eating Habit

Day 25:

  • Food Supplements and Fatty Acids
  • 1 Recipe high protein

Day 26:

  • Mindful Eating Habit

Day 27:

  • Life Mastery Book Supplements

Day 28:

  • Mindful Eating Habit

Day 29:

  • Check-In

Week 5: Signature Strength and Alkalinity

Daily Tasks:

  1. Did you sleep 7+ hours?
  2. Did you get 30 mins of exercise?
  3. Did you drink 1⁄2 your bodyweight in ounces of water?
  4. Did you eat 800g or 6 cups of vegetables?
  5. Did you check-in with your accountabilibuddy?
  6. Did you write on the gratitude board?
  7. Did you complete a random act of kindness?
  8. Did you spend 5 minutes to reflect on the day and write in your gratitude journal?
  9. Did you engage in conversation with someone you don’t know?

Day 30:

  • Email blast with week 5 content
  • Explain Signature strengths and test

Day 31:

  • What alkalinity does to your body
  • 1 Recipe

Day 32:

  • Transforming Beliefs

Day 33:

  • Vegetables and Colon Health

Day 34:

  • Mindful Eating Habit
  • 1 Recipe

Day 35:

  • Final Check-In
  • Wheel of Life


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