Sign up for our Bring a Friend Event


Gym Tan Laundry

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Metcon (No Measure)

E2MOM 24

1. DB Floor Press Drop Sets

2. 10-12 Landmine Twists

3. 8-10 Banded Face Pulls

4. 6-8 Muscle-ups/Muscle Up Progressions | Ring Rows + Banded Ring Dips | Ring Rows + Jumping Ring Dips
**groups of 2 or 3**

**2 mins at each station**


Metcon (Time)

Option 1.

20 Partner 100m Sprints (10 each)

Option 2.

16 Partner 100m Sprints (8 each)

Option 3.

12 Partner 100m Sprints (6 each)
– Run or Row

– Alternate each set; 1 partner runs while other rests


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