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Double Entendre

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit

Happy Birthday Daphne Slawski!! It’s always a pleasure seeing your smiling face come through the door! Hope you have a great day!!

Happy Anniversary Nelya! It’s been so fun watching you grow and crush the workouts! We’ve seen your confidence and strength increase so much, keep up the great work!!


Metcon (Weight)


1st: 6-8 Barbell Good Mornings, climbing

2nd: Fast Burst*

3rd: Mobility

4th: :30 Seated [Banded] Row
*Fast Burst (user’s choice):

– 200′ Gun Walk (8 length)

– 150′ Bear Crawl (6 lengths)

– 100′ Broad Jump (4 lengths)

– 50′ Crab Walk (2 lengths)


Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

**TEAMS OF 2**

6 Rounds (3 each) for time:

– 30 Wall Balls (20/14 | 14/12 | Air Squats)

– 25 DBL KB Suitcase Deadlift (52/35 | 35/26 | 26/18)

– 20′ DBL DB Walking Lunge (50/35 | 35/20 | 20/12)

– 15 DBL DB Cleans (50/35 | 35/20 | 20/12)
*You go, I go style (if individual, rest 1:1).


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