And our September Athlete of the Month is…..
Carolyn Koltcz !!!
“I realized I deserve more and I am grateful for all the positive people in my life who encourage me every day to be the best person I can be.”
Carolyn is one of our first and original members, starting here at Perpetual in May of 2016. However, I have been fortunate enough to know her for several years now as I was also her coach at a previous gym. If I had to describe Carolyn in one word it would be ‘consistent’….she is consistently one of the sweetest, friendliest, hard-working, and compassionate people I have ever met.
One of my favorite parts about my job is getting to know people for who they are and what is happening in their life outside of the gym. It’s often ironic because on the surface, you see someone like Carolyn stringing together large sets of pull-ups and doing legless rope climbs, and you think to yourself “damn, she’s got it all together!” But what we don’t often see is the behind the scenes story….the “why” or driving force behind someone putting forth so much effort to better themselves.
As you can grasp from Carolyn’s responses to her interview, CrossFit and the success she finds in the gym is part of a much bigger fight; rather, the challenges she overcomes in the gym are symbolic to those in everyday life….something many of us can certainly relate to and respect.
I’m proud of you Carolyn! Between giving up alcohol for 60 days, refusing excess sugar intake for over 40 days, crushing multiple CrossFit events and Competitions each month, PR’ing your Clean and Jerk, overcoming injuries and setbacks, connecting and supporting your fellow athletes, being a raving fan of Perpetual, and so much more….you are the true definition of Athlete of the Month!
Thank you for all you do! Keep being a positive example for us all. Congrats!!
Where are you originally from?
Cleveland, Ohio
What do you do for a living?
Family owned company that my grandfather started. We manufacture concrete block and sell building supplies and aggregates
What is your most recent or near-future adventure?
First Crossfit competition and looking forward to the next one in less than 2 weeks!
What is something we might not know about you?
I have a grilled cheese obsession
What are 3 things you are truly and deeply grateful for?
My family, my crossfit family and the friendships I have made there, my church in renewing my faith
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to overcome? How did you do it?
Negative self image, a destructive lifestyle and abusive relationship. Between the support of my family and some of the people in the gym, especially Dan when we did the emotional wellness groups a few times, I realized I deserve more and I am grateful for all the positive people in my life who encourage me every day to be the best person I can be.
What are you most proud of?
The positive changes in my life and being a part of this community
Who are your top 3 role-models/who inspires you the most?
I’m not sure right now
What motto or phrase do you live by and/or describes you the best?
Life is not a destination, it’s a journey
If you HAD to perform at a talent show, what would be your act?
What are your 3 best qualities?
Understanding, compassionate and forgiving
What is one thing about yourself that you are working on?
Staying positive
What would you do everyday if money was not an issue?
Build an animal sanctuary ..not that I feel like I don’t already have one in my house…lol..
What is your athletic background? What were you doing before CrossFit?
I didn’t have much athletic experience before…actually none. I would go to a regular gym but I wasn’t getting the results I was looking for
What made you decide to check out Perpetual Fitness?
Because Dan was my coach at a previous Crossfit box and he’s a great coach
Why did you ultimately decide to commit to Perpetual Fitness?
I felt at home
What were your goals when joining here? Have you achieved them? What are they now?
Oh they keep growing… lifting heavier, getting stronger, getting better at pull ups, faster. Iv’e achieved some but I believe you always have to strive to be better, you can always be better.
What keeps you so committed?
Seeing results, being able to achieve things I never thought I could and the support
Has Perpetual Fitness affected your life outside the Gym?
Makes me want to give back, has made me stronger as a person in dealing with tough situations I may come across because if I can tough out some of our wods at the gym, I can get through some curveballs life throws!
What changes in your health, physique, and overall performance have you seen since starting CrossFit?
Way stronger!!! I remember when it was laughable to think I could do a pull up, now I love them. I had never climbed a rope, now legless…I remember thinking I couldn’t deadlift the bar now my goal is 300#
What is your favorite and least favorite CrossFit exercise / movement / WOD? Favorite is a tie between deadlifts and rope climbs. Least favorite would be any kind of inversions because I don’t like being upside down and it takes me forever to kick over into a handstand…too afraid
What sort of life changes have you experienced because of CrossFit that you didn’t expect?
Physical and emotional growth and a truly caring community that I’m so thankful to have
What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining Perpetual Fitness?
Never give up, everyone has their own strengths, just because you might struggle with a certain movement today doesn’t mean you won’t crush it tomorrow and don’t compare yourself to anyone else because you can do things that others might not be able to yet..we are constantly growing and getting better together.
Give us some insight as to your thoughts after your first workout at Perpetual Fitness?
It’s a blur…
Favorite music? Favorite music to WOD to?
Anything loud. very loud… ok not anything…something that is energetic
What is one suggestion you have that would make Perpetual Fitness even better?
Can’t think of anything…oh wait…Sunday pm yoga 😉
What is your favorite part of Perpetual Fitness?
The support of the coaches and our community and the friendships I’m so grateful to have