Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
Happy Birthday to the ice cream GURU Allison Kelades!! You’ve been doing amazing every time you come in and you never seem to fail to make us all smile and laugh! We are so grateful for you! Make it the best day ever Allison!!
Split Jerk (3-3-3-3-3-3)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Option 1.
EMOM For As Long As Possible
20 Double-unders + 1 Burpee to Plate (45#)
20 Double-unders + 2 Burpees to Plate
20 Double-unders + 3 Burpees to Plate
20 Double-unders + 4 Burpees to Plate
Etc…adding 1 Burpee to Plate each minute.
Option 2.
EMOM For As Long As Possible
10 Double-unders + 1 Burpee
10 Double-unders + 2 Burpees
10 Double-unders + 3 Burpees
10 Double-unders + 4 Burpees
Etc…adding 1 Burpees each minute.
Option 3.
EMOM For As Long As Possible
10 Plate Hops + 1 Up Down
10 Plate Hops + 2 Up Downs
10 Plate Hops + 3 Up Downs
10 Plate Hops + 4 Up Downs
Etc…adding 1 Up Down each minute.
The workout concludes when you are unable to finish the required work in a given minute. Score is total rounds (minutes) completed entirely + any additional reps.