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The Bellagio

Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit


Sumo Deadlift (7×3 @ 70% of 3rm Deadlift)

Sets every 2 minutes

*Focus on speed from the floor

*Immediately into 3 broad jump
Today is another one of our dynamic strength days! We will be completing sets of 3 sumo deadlifts, followed immediately by 3 Max Distance broad jumps. Here we are targeting our fast twitch muscle fibers by focusing on speed when pulling the barbell from the ground, and then developing our explosive power (while potentially under fatigue) when completing our broad jumps. Focus on minimal contact with the floor when jumping, landing softly and going right into the next rep!


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

18 DB Clean and Jerk (50/35)

15 Box Jumps (30/24)

3 Squat Cleans (185/125)

*15 Min Cap
Our metcon today is moderately heavy and relatively technical. We have descending movements with DB Power Cleans and box jumps, and ending with relatively heavy squat cleans. You should look take your time on the box jumps due to the height of the box and breaking up the DB Cleans into sets that are capable of completing. When you get to the squat cleans we can look to do single reps with rest between each rep.


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