Perpetual Fitness – CrossFit
REMINDER: Potluck is this Thursday @ 6:30PM!! Looking like an awesome turnout with awesome dishes and awesome people! Friends and family welcome! (No 6:30PM class Thursday) Can’t wait!
Front Squat (0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00)
3×2 @ 87.5%
2×1 @ 90%
2×5 @75%
*We are really reigning in the volume now to focus on your maximal strength for the 1RM coming up in a few weeks. We also have two larger volume sets, focussing on maintaining form and ability to continue to complete reps under fatigue.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM 3 x 3 rounds
20 Wall Balls
1 min rest every 3 rounds
*Score is total number of wall balls completed over 9 mins work
eg: 180 maximum score available
Have some fun with this one! Your goal is to work at your maximal capability in order to complete all reps required within each minute (ideally unbroken sets throughout). Therefore, scale the volume of wall balls to be able to finish all reps within the 60-second time frame.